Gemeinsam mit BZgA und RKI richtet das Zukunftsforum an der European Public Health Conference in Marseille den Workshop: National approaches to Public health; policy, strategies, legislation and implementation in Europe aus.
Der Workshop findet am Samstag, 23.11.2019, 11:10-12:40 statt. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!
During the past decades, the growth of knowledge to prevent disease on the one hand and the growth of public acceptance to prevent disease on the other hand led to form public health systems. Soon after, health was no longer considered as an individual responsibility only, and more effective interventions against health threats and communicable diseases were developed. As a result, public agencies and authorities were established to implement newly discovered interventions against health threats and to prevent non-communicable diseases.
Though, the orientation of public health agencies and authorities shifted from prevention of disease to promotion of health in almost all countries, their public health systems are developed widely differently. While some countries look back to traditionally established public health systems, others are pursuing different approaches to achieve Health in All Policies through policy and legislation in Wales or are now evaluating their public health policies after a ten-years-strategy, like Sweden and still others have only recently (2015) introduced a new Preventive Health Care Act and follow a bottom up approach called “Future Forum Public Health”, like Germany.
The preventive health care act and the future forum public health in Germany
Freia De Bock – Germany
The future generation’s act: Wales
Catherine Weatherup – United Kingdom
The Swedish national public health policy and its achievements after ten years
Nina Lindqvist – Sweden
Slovenian PH system: reshaping and new approaches to interventions and linkages with primary care
Tit Albreht – Slovenia
The public health system in France and the structural developments during the last ten years
Pierre Arwidson – France
Chairpersons: Yvette Shajanian Zarneh – Germany, Svenja Matusall – Germany